Download SDC for Ansys

Common Controls

There are the following types of controls:

Selector Control

The Selector Control is a very powerful tool which helps to make an elemental or nodal selection.

The Selection represents a set of conditions that are performed one by one to get entity IDs.

Condition = Operation + Condition Type + Entity IDs;

SDC Selection

- add all entities to the selection;

- add entities by condition;

- add entities by rules:

Add Elements

Add Elements |SDC Verifier

Add Nodes

Add Nodes |SDC Verifier

Condition by Text

Select nodes/elements by known ids or all nodes/elements by Type (e.g. Materials, Welds etc.). Example of selecting all nodes/elements from materials 1 and 2:

Condition by Text | SDC Verifier

All Types:

- remove entities from the selection by using the standard selection tools.

- exclude entities using the standard selection tools;

- remove all selection conditions;

- move condition up;

- move condition down;

- store selection conditions to the component;

- edit condition (double click on the condition);

- remove selected conditions;

- preview the selection;

- preview only selected entities.

There are 4 types of operations:

16 main condition types can be distinguished:

Controls selections |SDC Verifier

Select sections by common recognition selection rules.

Group Elements between two sections of the same type:

Controls Add Elements Between Section Rule |SDC Verifier

Include Section Elements in Selection - include/exclude elements of selected sections in selection.

Controls Add Elements Between Section Rule |SDC Verifier

Controls Welds |SDC Verifier

- By Rule - select welds by the following rules:

Controls Welds By Rule |SDC Verifier

Rule Types - set predefined or custom options (e.g. Weld Ends + Intersections + Tips);

Welds - all recognized welds;

Weld Exceptions - elements that were defined as non-welded (e.g. flange to web connection of rolled beam that was modeled as plate);

Weld Tips - elements of the non-welded structure at the free ends of the weld (weld shear influence);

Plate Free Edges - all shell elements with free edges;

Weld Ends - weld elements at both ends or free ends of the weld;

Weld Parts - welded or non-welded parts of the weld;

Weld Intersections - all or common elements at the weld intersections;

- By Weld Type - select welds by the following weld types:

Controls Welds By Type |SDC Verifier

Weld Type - set options to select L, Tee, Butt, Cross or Custom welds;

Weld Parts Count - welds where weld parts count matches set rule;

Angle Between Weld Parts - welds where angle between weld parts matches set rule (e.g. for Butt weld it is 0 deg.);

- Select welds by common recognition selection rules.

Controls Recent |SDC Verifier

There are 8 additional conditional types:

Controls. Additional Rules |SDC Verifier

All conditions work in a similar way except Inversion. The condition editor displays the dialog where an operation type has to be defined and a list of IDs/Types/Shapes:

Inversion = all entities - current selection ids.

Search - contains useful commands to navigate and filter items in the list:

ID - navigates to respective id in the list;

Filter - filter names in the list. Filter is case insensitive and checks if an item contains Filter Word.

Show (All, Selected Only, Not Selected Only) - change visibility between selected and not selected items in the list


Selection proceeds condition in order - from up to down. Changing the order of the condition will change the resulting selection.

Selection Examples

Complete Model

Controls. Selection All Entities |SDC Verifier

All elements with the material "1..AISI 4340 Steel" are selected.

Controls. Selection Material |SDC Verifier

The Selection has 2 conditions. First all elements with the material "1..AISI 4340 Steel" are selected. Second condition invert selection - all elements minus elements that have already been selected (from the material ID = 1).

Controls. Selection Material Inversion |SDC Verifier

All elements with the property "3..BEAM Property (Rectangular Bar)" are selected.

Controls. Selection Beam Property |SDC Verifier

All elements with the element type = "2..Bar" are selected.

Controls. Selection Bar Property |SDC Verifier

The Selection has 2 conditions. The first one is to add elements with all nodes that are in range X[15.5;25]. The second is to reselect (pick out common ids from the current selection and condition) elements with property "3..Beam Property (Rectangular Bar)".

Controls. Coordinates Reselect |SDC Verifier

The selection has 2 conditions. First, add all elements with the element type = "2..Bar". The second condition is to add elements with all nodes that are in range X[6;12] and Y(3;7).

Controls. Selection Property Reselect Coordinates |SDC Verifier

The example demonstrates the exclude operation. The first condition excludes all elements with the property "1..Bar Property (Circular Bar)". The second condition adds all entities to the selection. Exclude operation completely removes entities from the selection. It can be considered as the remove operation that is always performed in the end.

Controls. Selection Exclude |SDC Verifier

Common Recognition Selection Rules

All recognition items (beam members, connections etc.) can be selected using the following rules:

Operations with conditions

It is possible to perform extra operations with existing conditions using the context menu:

Controls. Selected Condition Commands |SDC Verifier

Preview/Highlight entities from only selected conditions on the model;

Export as component… - create a new component with a selected conditions;

Copy to components… - create same selected conditions in chosen components.

Selection List

Selection List control allows creating several selections at once. It is used in the places where multiple items of the same type but with different selections can be created (report tables/plots, thickness plot tool) or results based on a set of selections (components extreme table, mass and COG table).

SDC Verifier selection menu

- add custom selection:

SDC Verifier selection

- edit selection;

- remove selection;

- preview chosen selections on a model;

- highlight chosen selections on a model;

- move chosen selections up;

- move selected selections down;

- add All Elements/Node selection.

Add multiple selections simultaneously:

- components:

Controls. Selected List Components Menu |SDC Verifier

From List - The list with all available components be displayed:

Controls. Selected List Components List |SDC Verifier

All selected components will be added to the list as the separate selection.

Components Condition - select components to be included:

Controls. Selected List Components Condition |SDC Verifier

Include Content of Components - include each created condition in the selection of selected components as separate selection. Component will be included as separate selection if any condition is included;

Note: Content of components includes only conditions based on list of selected items (e.g. materials, welds from list or element type/shape conditions etc.)

- named selection;

- model entities:

Controls model entities |SDC Verifier

Materials and Properties Conditions allow to pick all materials/properties on selection and exclude not necessary items:

Controls. Selection List Materials Condition |SDC Verifier

- recognition tools entities:

Recognition Tools Menu | SDC Verifier

Beam Members - select beam/sub members by common recognition selection rules;

Beam Sections - select beam sections by common recognition selection rules;

Panel Sections - select sections by common recognition selection rules;

Welds - select welds by common recognition selection rules;

Connections - select connections by common recognition selection rules;

View List

SDC Verifier views

- add view;

SDC Verifier edit button - edit view;

SDC Verifier edit multiple button - edit multiple views;

- rename selected view;

- copy selected views;

- remove selected views.

Single Load Selector

Single Load Selector allows picking you Individual Load, Load Set, Load Group or Fatigue Group from the existing Jobs. Use Search field to filter loads in the list by text.

Multiple Loads Selector

A Multiple Load Selector allows to select few Individual Loads, Load Sets, Load Groups or Fatigue Groups from the existing Jobs.

Select load multiple | SDC Verifier

Recent Loads - select the recently used combination of loads (max 8 combinations in the list);

All Loads - select all possible loads;

All Individual Loads - select all possible individual loads;

All Load Sets - select all possible load sets;

All Load Groups - select all possible load groups;

All Fatigue Group - select all possible fatigue groups;

Note: For the items that require using only one Job, the loads only from that job will be selected;

Note: Recent loads list is changed only when the loads are selected manually;

Note: The loads, that cannot be used in the current context will be banned from being selected;

- opens the window to select the loads manually:

Select load multiple manually | SDC Verifier

The load list contains the loads from all included Jobs.

- include/exclude all possible loads;

- include/exclude all Individual Loads;

- include/exclude all Load Sets;

- include/exclude all Load Groups;

- include/exclude all Load Group Contents;

- include/exclude all Fatigue Groups.

Amount of included/excluded loads is automatically updated and displayed in the title of the respective button.

Check/uncheck IL/LS/LG/LG Content/FG to include/exclude all Individual Loads/Load Sets/Load Groups/Load Groups Content/Fatigue Groups from the list.

LG Content - available for tables that are built on multiple loads (flow table, summarized forces over loads). In this case, only items of the selected load group will be included in the table but not load group itself.

Use Search field to filter loads in the list by text.

- clear all filters;

- exclude all loads.

Description Control

Description Control allows adding a single line or multi-line comments.

By default, a comment is added in the text field as a single line.

To switch to multi-line editor press or Arrow Down (on keyboard).

To close multi-line editor press or Esc.


Labels control is used to put extra labels for result plots over the recognition items or min/max values over the selection:

Controls labels

Note: The control is available for criteria/contour plots for result categories and check plots.

Display By list:

None - no labels are shown by default;

Members - put a label of the absolute maximum value at the center of each beam member from the Beam Member Finder;

Note: Sub members are used instead of beam member if they exist. Sub-members are taken from a torsional length;

Plates - put a label of absmax value at the center of each plate from the Panel Finder;

Stiffeners - put a label of absmax value at the center of each stiffener from the Panel Finder;

Members - put a label of absmax value at the center of each beam or sub beam member from torsional direction of the Beam Member Finder;

Welds - put a label of absmax value at the center of each weld from the Weld Finder;

Min/Max - put the labels with the min/max values on the selection defined in a plot;

Min - put a label with a min value on the selection defined in a plot;

Max - put a label with a max value on the selection defined in a plot;

Note: All elements from the welds, plates, stiffeners, and members should be included in a selection of plot to display labels for them.

Filter - filter label values using Limits Control. It is available for members, plates, stiffeners and welds type only;

Panel Finder Coordinates - put labels with coordinates of the recognized sections of selected type in the Panel Finder. It is possible to skip the section labels to avoid overlaying if they are very close to each other by increasing One label every value:

Controls Panel Finder Coordinatess Plot |SDC Verifier

Font Size - size of all labels on the plot (section coordinates and results).

Filter/Sort by

Control is used to display filtered values in the table and sort them in the selected Order. Any calculation parameters of the check can be sorted/filtered in the table.

Controls Filter |SDC Verifier

For filter, it is also possible to display only entities only when all the calculation parameters are above the Value, not only selected one.

Order - sorts values in ascending or descending order for selected parameter.

Note: The last parameter of the check is selected automatically for sorting in the descending order.

Buckling Factor Overall > 1 is sorted in descending order:

Controls - Buckling Factor Overall > 1 |SDC Verifier

Label Plotter

Label plotter is used to display the selected Components/Materials/Properties with different colors and labels:

Controls - Components Plotter |SDC Verifier

To limit plot change selection - only common elements from the selected items in the list and Selection will be displayed.

Note: If selection is changed - the list of items will be refilled automatically so only items that exist in the selection will be visible.

For Label Typeoptions there are 3 variants: Id, Title or Id, and Title;

Font size - font size of displayed labels;

Labels Orientation - put labels from the top-left to the bottom-left (Vertical) or from the top-left to the top-right (Horizontal);

Labels Top-Vertical Offset, % - sets vertical offset in % of the window size from the top;

Labels Per Row - the maximum labels amount displayed in a single row. It is enabled only when Labels Orientation = Horizontal.

Show only Elements from Selected Components - displays only common elements from the selected items in the list and a Selection if turned ON. Displays all elements of a Selection if turned OFF:

Show only Elements from Selected Components|SDC Verifier

All/None - select/deselect all items in the list.

Based on Selection - selects items in the list by common elements from custom selection using Selector Control.

Press to display a plot:

Plot Based on Selection | SDC Verifier


Export selected items in the list to single or separate components/named selections.

Plot Export | SDC Verifier

As One Component/Named Selection - create single component/named selection with all selected items in the list;

Each Item as Component/Named Selection - create separate component/named selection for each selected item in the list.

Data Conversion Control

Data Conversion | SDC Verifier

It is possible to use Averaged or No Averaged results. Use Corner Results and Average type is defined by default and can't be changed (these options can be modified for others CAE).

Limits Control

Filter elements/nodes selection based on the result criteria (type): Below, Above, Between, Outside. If Absolute Value option is set, the absolute result value is compared to the selected criteria:

Controls limits | SDC Verifier

Material Parameters Control

Yield Stress and Tensile Strength of materials is used in calculations of standards and it is important to set the values for all materials of the model to avoid inappropriate results.

Control displays amount of materials where Yield Stress and/or Tensile Strength equals zero:


If count > 0, then press Button_materials EN13001 to edit Yield Stress and Tensile Strength:

EN13001 Material_fatifue_parameters

Press Update from Ansys to read properties from Ansys for selected materials.

Note: Some standards use only Yield Stress in calculations. Tensile Strength in this case is not necessary to be set.

Rename Multiple

Rename multiple items is available for all collections in Navigation Tree (e.g. Views, Jobs, Standards etc.) except the model-related collections (e.g. Materials, Properties etc.)

Rename Multiple | SDC Verifier

- copy only titles of selected items to clipboard;

Note: Ctrl+C key combination will copy all selected items with Id and Title.

- paste titles from clipboard to all items starting from the first selected in the list. Ids are not pasted.

Note: Use Ctrl+V key combination to paste the titles starting from the first selected item in the list.

Common Commands

Remove Multiple - select multiple items to be removed from the collection:

Remove Multiple | SDC Verifier

ID - navigate to the respective item id;

Filter - filter items in the list (case insensitive);

Show - filter items by type:

- apply current type to the list (e.g. when Show = Not Selected Only and few items have been selected - pressing the button will hide recently selected items);

Renumber - renumber all items in a collection starting from ID = 1.


Renumbering the result items where the results can be stored to the files (jobs, loads, checks, standards) will lead to results clearing with a confirmation message since they are linked to the files by their IDs.