ABS 2004 and 2014 Comparison

Last Updated on April 12th, 2024 by

The buckling and ultimate strength behaviour of key structural components are critical factors to consider when designing offshore steel structures. To ensure the technical quality of these structures, plate buckling checks are performed according to various industry codes.

SDC Verifier includes two different plate buckling checks (ABS plate buckling) required by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS):

There are three small differences in calculation of Ultimate Strength Limit. Buckling State Limit is calculated completely the same.

Interaction coefficient between longitudinal and transverse stresses f, which is used in the calculation of Ultimate Strength Limit:


Сx coefficient, used in longitudinal ultimate strength calculation:


CY coefficient, used in transverse ultimate strength calculation:


ABS 2004 Plate Buckling ABS 2014 Plate Buckling
\(\varphi=1.0-\frac{\beta}{2}\) \(\varphi=max(1.5-\frac{\beta}{2},0)\)

\(C_{x}=2/\beta-1/\beta^2\;for\; \beta>1\)

\(C_{x}=1.0\;for \;\beta\leq1\)

\(C_{x}=2.25/\beta-1.25/\beta^2\;for\; \beta\geq1.25\)

\(C_{x}=1.0\;for\; \beta<1.25\)

\(C_{y}=Cs/l+0.1(1-s/l)(1+1/\beta^2)^2\leq1.0\) \(C_{y}=Cs/l+0.115(1-s/l)(1+1/\beta^2)^2\leq1.0\)

SDC Verifier also has other standards for plate buckling checks:

Plate Buckling checks are available in SDC Verifier Professional or in SDC Plate & Stiffener Buckling App

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