SDC Verifier provides Beam Member Checks according to AS 3990 (Mechanical equipment — Steelwork, Section 5 Design of Beams, 1993 edition). Australian Standard 3990 has been used in the SDC Verifier since the 2021 R1 version.
Since the 2024 R1 version, SDC Verifier has implemented AS 4100 (2020).
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AS 3990 — 1993 (Mechanical equipment — Steelwork)
AS 3990 (1993) standard is intended to apply to steelwork associated with mechanical equipment such as boilers and pressure vessels, lifts, cranes, mining equipment, gas, and liquid petroleum piping systems, and bulk handling equipment.
It does not apply to road and rail bridges, material less than 3 mm thick, steel with a design yield stress greater than 450 MPa, or cold-formed members that do not comply with AS 1163.
AS 3990 (1993) was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Cranes and balloted by the Standards Australia Committees for Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels, Lift Installations, Cranes, Mining Equipment, Gas and Liquid Petroleum Piping Systems, and Bulk Handling Equipment to provide a working stress method for the design of mechanical equipment steelwork. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 24 February 1993 and published on 17 May 1993.
History of AS 3990
AS 3990 first published in part as AS CAI — 1933.
Second edition 1939.
Revised and issued as SAA Int. 351 — 1952.
Revised and issued as AS CAI — 1968.
Fourth edition 1972.
AS 1250 first published 1972.
AS CAI —1972 and AS 1250 — 1972 revised, amalgamated
and issued as AS 1250 — 1975.
AS CAI — 1972 withdrawn 1976.
Third edition as AS 1250 — 1981.
Revised and redesignated in part as AS 3990 (Int) — 1991.
Revised and issued as AS 3990—1993.
AS 4100 — 2020 (Steel Structures)
AS 4100 implements checks for the design of members subject to:
- axial tension (Section 7);
- axial compression (Section 6);
- bending (Section 5);
- shear (Clause 5.11);
- combined actions (Section 8).
AS 4100 supports:
- double symmetric I-Sections;
- single symmetric channels;
- circular tubes;
- double symmetric rectangular tubes, and
- circular and rectangular bars.
Ensure the accuracy of your AS 4100 steel structure calculations. Our benchmarks carefully follow the Australian Steel Institute’s (ASI) Steel Structures – Sample Worked Problems to AS 4100.
The standard is aimed to provide designers of steel structures with specifications for steel structural members used for load carrying purposes in buildings and other structures.
It sets out minimum requirements for the design and the engineering aspects of fabrication, erection, and modification of steelwork in structures in accordance with the limit states design methods.
The Standard applies to buildings, structures and cranes constructed of steel. This standard was prepared by Standards Australia Commitee BD-001, Steel Structures, to supersede AS 4100-1998.
Info on AS Standards
The AS (Australian Standard) series of standards are the quality management systems standard applicable to companies that supply to the aviation, space, and defence industries. These standards incorporate all the ISO 9001, but include additional industry requirements specific to the aerospace industry.