SDC Verifier enables automatic FKM Guidelines verification directly in Ansys Mechanical, Femap, and Simcenter 3D.
Currently, in SDC Verifier, implemented FKM 5th edition (2003) and FKM 6th edition (2012).
Read the help article on FKM (5th, 2003)
Help Article on Implementation of FKM 6th (2012) in SDC Verifier
For engineers concerned with construction and calculations in mechanical engineering or related industry fields, the FKM-Guideline for analytical strength assessment is available since 1994.
It was developed based on former TGL standards and the former Guideline VDI 2226, but with referring to more recent sources and the current state of knowledge.
The FKM Guideline (FKM-Richtlinie):
Calculated strength verification of machine components. Rechnerischer Festigkeitsnachweis von Maschinenbauteilen
The FKM Guideline (FKM-Richtlinie in german) is applicable in mechanical engineering and related industry fields.
Allows the analytical strength assessment for rod-shaped (1D), shell-shaped (2D), and block-shaped (3D) components under consideration of all relevant influences.
Describes the assessment of the static and fatigue strength, the latter according to an assessment of the fatigue limit of the constant amplitude fatigue strength, or of the variable amplitude fatigue strength according to the service stress conditions.
Is valid for:
- Steel, cast steel, or cast iron materials components at -40 °C–500 °C.
- Aluminum and cast aluminum alloys components at -40 °C–200 °C.
Applicable for components produced with or without machining or by welding.
Allows evaluating nominal and local elastic stresses derived from a finite element or boundary element analyses using theoretical mechanics solutions calculation or measurements