Engineering results presentation and Reporting with SDC Verifier Month of Webinars

Date / Time:November 9, 2023
month of the webinars reporting result
Event Details
Duration: 1 hour Host: Oleg Ishchuk, COO @ SDC Verifier Description: The webinar will be held on Thursday, November 9 at 9:00 a.m. UTC+2 and 4:00 p.m. UTC+2, Central European Summer Time (CEST). Please note the time zone difference (both webinars are the same and will be held twice for your convenience. You can choose the most convenient time or attend both) During the webinar, We will demonstrate the reporting capabilities available in SDC Verifier.
Usually, we do two sessions of the webinar for attendees’ convenience. Register for 9:00 AM UTC+1 (Amsterdam) (12:30 Delhi, Mumbai, 15:00 Beijing, 16:00 Seoul, Tokyo) Register for 4:00 PM UTC+1 (Amsterdam) (09:00 AM Houston, 11:00 AM Rio de Janeiro)
SDC Verifier

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