Checking the design structure according to standards, such as Eurocode, AISC, DNV, ABS, EN 13001, FEM 1.001, FKM, ISO, API, etc., is often challenging due to the complicated guidelines and combination of numerous factors that must be considered. Though some companies still operate different formulas and multiple calculation iterations, such a procedure does not allow us to estimate precisely the level of damage, the exact spot, and when the problem will pop up.

SDC Verifier engineers’ workflow includes structure verification according to industry standards with dedicated software. Automatic code-checking and reports generation allow for saving time and money, eliminating the risk of miscalculation.
Learn more about engineering FEA projects SDC Verifier Engineering Department complete for our clients in different industries.
Our engineers not only check models according to standards already present in the SDC Verifier standards library, but also write formulas for other custom standards the client needs. The most complex engineering tasks that previously involved manual calculation in spreadsheets are now automated. We always recommend using a detailed and thorough approach — simulation of the actual behavior of the structure to ensure safe and continuous operation conditions.
Need more information on Standard checking?
Contact SDC Verifier’s Engineering team, and we will help you solve your problem. See all FEA consultancy services SDC Verifier can provide.