- New CAE versions supported: Ansys 2020 R2, Simcenter Femap 2020.2, Simcenter 3D 2020.1;
- DVS 1608 (June 2010) and DVS 1612 (August 2014)

- FKM – Analytical strength assessment (5th revised edition, 2003);

- Optimization Tool (watch demo of Optimization Module in SDC Verifier);
- SDC Verifier API – automation of SDC Verifier commands;
- New Report Designer (watch demo)
- Brand-new design;
- Multi-selection;
- Automatic sorting over loads/selections;
- Ribbon;
- Comparison Standard – use results from different standards (e.g. AISC and Eurocode3) to compare results;
- Compare results from different types of checks – use weld, plate bucking, stiffener buckling types of checks in formulas of a custom check;
- Related Stress Gradients Tool (used in FKM) – calculate coefficients to reduce stresses;
- Beam Member Diagram;
- Infinity (division on 0) or NaN (not a number) is replaced with a huge number (3.40282347E+38). The warning is shown:
WARNING: In previous versions of SDC Verifier Infinity and NaN were replaced with 0 that could affect the results. Check your calculations on the division on zero carefully.
- Calculate asymmetric shapes as a symmetric option in member checks – the minimum sizes of walls/flanges will be used to calculate cross-section properties;
- Eurocode3 Fatigue – included size effect;
- Nastran H-shape included in member checks (Femap, Simcenter);
- Backup of SDC Results– keep old results when the project is not saved;
- Store/Restore results for tools (Moment Ratio, Effective Width, Stress Gradient, Weld Summation);
- Handle negative resistance in Joint checks (return UF = 12345678);
- Resistance factors option in ISO Joint Check;
- Save Joint Check results to files;
- Calculation details for property checks and in Component Extreme Table (the worst result on selected selection);
- Governing Load can be shown for multiple selections;
- Range criteria added in Peak Finder/Governing Load;
- Flow Buckling Table can be built over multiple sections;
- Load Set content results in Governing Load / Peak Finder tools – show the proportion of result of all items (including factors):
- Edit multiple Individual Loads (Femap, Simcenter) – replace fem load/constraint for the selected loads;
- Panel Finder Settings:
- Dummy Stiffeners recognition option to split plates if stiffeners are not fully connected to the edges of a panel
- The minimum angle between flat sections;
- Split plate on different property IDs;
- Apply Wind approach (Femap):
- Projected Area (cos (a));
- Velocity Component (cos^2(a));
- Normal to Face (cos (0));
- Sort/Filter options in custom check table;
- Selection List Conditions (the content of components, all properties/materials, recognition items on selection) – automatically updated when table on multiple selections is built; Content of Components in Component Extreme table:
- Export Joint Check results to Femap;
- Rename multiple items in collections (e.g. Jobs, Standards, Reports);
- View options added (Femap):
- Show Elements without Results;
- Show Load Values;
- Multiple views in the material item in the report;
- Highlight all selected items in the tables (used to be only one selected);
- Weld Finder:
- Add multiple welds (by nodes);
- Recognize welds on a custom selection (ignoring the settings and existing welds);
- Updated weld rules in the selector:
- Select Welds by Rule:
- Select Welds by Type:
- Discard changes when editing number format, legend settings, unit system, multiple views;
- Check if all dimensions are set for the weld strength calculations at the stage of creating the respective standard;
- Create a separate plot object in Ansys (does not create in the report).
- Eurocode3 member check:
- Strong axis checking in calculations of kyy, kzz;
- Classification calculation for rectangular shapes is calculated as for webs, not as for flanges;
- Edit standard crashed program (after project reopening);
- Line Element Force results reading if not all beams contain results (Ansys);
- The poor performance of Plate Buckling check calculations for sections that include a huge amount of plates;
- Combined shear moment for overlapping braces fixed in Joint Checks ISO. Norsok (use m1 +m2 instead of sqrt(m1^2+m2^2);
- DNV 2010. Update formula Fx, Fy when value under sqrt is negative;
- The job of Jobs always clear results when the Apply button is pressed;
- Sum of Forces in report FEM Load is calculated on selection instead of the full model (Femap, Simcenter);
- Preview plot from context menu used incorrect plot object from the tree;
- Plot average corner results option in contour plot was not set (Femap, Simcenter);
- Combine more than two welds in one-row error;
- Failed to create SDC folder that includes Settings and Log files (permissions issue);
- Import ‘.rst’ files without unit system defined – failure to read results (Ansys);
- Paste spaces as factors in create/edit multiple load sets window;
- Incorrect face selected for solids when applying Wind Load (Femap);