What are the critical load cases
For models with a huge amount of load combinations checking all situations is very time-consuming. Instead of checking all the load cases SDC Verifier can help you to reduce the set of results. Out of a large group of load combinations the SDC Verifier Governing loads tool extracts the critical loads and reduces calculation time.
Results can be presented over the loads (summary) and over elements (detailed). The governing loads Tool search can be performed on a selection defined by criteria.
In the example below the governing loads for the 20 elements with the absolute highest Sx results are selected:
The detailed table below provides for every element the governing load and the worst value for each element:
Another example is to find the governing loads for all elements with an Sx stress above 160 MPa (Absolute – include also negative values):
In summary table a list of the governing loads and for how many elements this load case is governing. Is given: