All design standards are usually defining different load combinations to be applied to the finite element analysis model. At the beginning stages of verification it is important to make sure that design load combinations are properly set to meet the requirements of the code.
SDC Verifier brings to the users an interface to combine all the design loads into load combinations in a quick and convenient way.
Instead of focusing on the complete load combination (in SDC Verifier we call them Load Sets), SDC Verifier separately calculates the influences of different basic loads (named as Individual Loads in the program) on the structure. The overall response of a structure and the load effect in real life situations is retrieved by combining the outcome of these basic loads into load combinations.
SDC Verifier Calculation core:
- Individual load – single basic load result. Can be either a Step from Ansys analysis or combination of FEM load plus Constraint in Simcenter and Femap;
- Load Set – linear load combination. With taking into account safety factors and partial load factors;
- Load Group – envelope set of results. Using SDC Verifier user is able to create a group of Individual Loads, Load Sets or even Group of Groups. And combinations, of course, are also possible.

Both live loads and dead loads, like Wind Load, Storm Load, Earthquake Load (Seismic Load), Snow Load, Roof Live Load, Gravity Load, or load from function, for example, Hoisting Load, Moving Load, Acceleration Load, etc. can be set as Individual Loads.
Basic loads of different types, acting on the structure at the same time, can be combined into Load Sets. In SDC Verifier Load Sets are multiplied with load factors. Safety factors, or resistance factors can be defined for every combination.
Load groups are allowing to determine a minimum, maximum and absolute values of any outputs like stresses, displacements and forces, etc for your stress design or any other evaluation. Check results like fatigue damage, strength design, buckling factors or utilization factors.
With even a little numbers of individual loads, over 1000 load combinations can be generated using partial load factors. The total calculation time remains short because the CPU usage is based on the much lower number of basic loads.
Results of these large numbers of load combinations are organized in Load Groups. For example, the minimum or maximum stresses or maximum reaction forces at all locations and even more complicated results as fatigue life can be represented in one plot or table. A complete structural check according to any standard can now be represented with a few pictures or tables!
In conclusion, it does not matter what code or method you use, calculation core of SDC Verifier gives user an opportunity to combine the basic loads into infinite amount of load combinations and group them for a proper check.
Moreover, SDC Verifier’s Governing load and Peak finder tool will help user to determine the crucial effects and handle big amount of load combinations.
Here some examples of load combinations according to different standards.