Beam Member Check App enables Beam Buckling Check for the large (offshore) lattice structures. Beam Member Finder detects beam members (buckling) lengths automatically for 3 directions (Y, Z and torsional). Buckling length is calculated between the Joints and does not depend on the model mesh. The SDC reporting app is included for free!
Implemented Standards
- AISC ASD 1989 Members (9th, 1989)
- AISC 360-10 Members (14th, 2010)
- AISC 360-22 Members (2022)
- API RP 2A-LRFD (1st, 1993)
- API RP 2A-WSD (21st, 2007)
- ASME BTH-1 Members (2017)
- ASME BTH-1 Members (2020)
- ASME BTH-1 Members (2023)
- Eurocode 3 Members (EN1993-1-1, 2005)
- Eurocode3 Fire Design (EN1993-1-2, 2005)
- ISO 19902 (1st, 2007)
- ISO 19902 (2nd, 2020)
- Norsok N004 (rev.3, 2013)
To use Beam Member Check App, download SDC Verifier and activate your free trial license by logging into your SDC Verifier account. After that, you will be able to use all features of SDC Verifier during the trial period. To continue using the App after the trial, contact our sales team to purchase a subscription.