Download SDC Verifier


There are following tools available:


Result Settings

The peaks for Governing Load and Peak Finder tools can be found for Load or Check Results. Select from Load or from Check option in the Result group box.

For the Load Results choose the Category and the Direction:

Peak Finder Load | SDC Verifier

Note: Only element-based result categories can be selected (e.g. Stress, Element Force).

The parameter and the direction should be defined for the Check Result:

Peak Finder Parameter | SDC Verifier

Note: All checks calculated for loads (except joint checks) can be selected.

Note: Governing load can be calculated only on the Load Group. Besides, only checks with Load Calculation = All Loads are displayed in the filter.

Filter Criteria

Filter Criteria allows to set limits that determine the results which are treated as peaks by the following options:

- Range - set upper/lower limit for the values to filter. For example, |Stress X| ≥ 160MPa:

Peak Finder Criteria | SDC Verifier

If an Absolute option is ON it means that the absolute value of the result is used for the criteria. Compression stress -160 Mpa will pass the above criteria.

- Number of elements - an amount of the elements with the Min/Max/Abs results (based on Result Criteria option).

- Percent of elements - % of all the model elements with the Min/Max/Abs results (based on Result Criteria option).

Peak Finder

Peak Finder finds all peak zones based on the output results and presents them using a special plot and a summary table.

To add Peak Finder execute Home - Post-Processing - Peak Finder from the ribbon.

Peak Finder

Select the type of result (Load or Check) using Result Settings

Set limits for peak values using Filter Criteria

To preview the results press . The following table will be shown:

Peak Finder Table | SDC Verifier

Select Load using Load Selector. For the checks, it is possible to select only that type of the load that is supported by the check.

Define the Selection using Selector Control and press Fill.

It is possible to preview the peak zones on the model. Select the zones in the table and press .

Plot type - defines what values should be plotted on the model:

- Elemental values on zone elements - plot original values of the elements of the selected zones;

- Elemental values on zone elements + attached elements - plot original values of the elements of the selected zones and attached elements. For example when zones are very small (1 or 2 elements);

- Elemental values on selection - plot original values of all elements from the selection (ignoring elements from the zones).

Note: Labels will be displayed only for selected zones in the table. Show Only Welds option will be ignored.

- Absmax zone value on zone elements - plot all elements of the zone with the absmax value on the zone to keep each zone in a single color;

- Average on zone - plot all elements of the zone with the average value on the zone to keep each zone in a single color;

- Elemental values with zones average labels - plot original values of the elements of the selected zones and display label average value of each zone;

Show labels for each zone - put labels based on selected option near the element with a maximum value of the zone:

- None - do not show any labels;

- Id - id of the zone (e.g. "z1");

- Value - average or absmax value over the elements of the zone;

- Id and Value - zone id and zone average or absmax value (e.g. "z.1=123456");

Zone label font size - defines the label font size for all labels of the plot.

The Show Only Welds options are designed for a large model with a small mesh. The plot is shown only with the peaks and the welds elements. Show Only Welds = ON:

Peak Finder

Show Only Welds = OFF:

Peak Finder

Note: Weld elements are taken from the Weld Finder Tool. If no welds are recognized the elements with free edges will be displayed.

Press to export selected zones using Export Menu;

For all selected Zones where the type of the Load is Load Set it is possible to preview the portion of the Individual Loads in diagram or table:

Peak Finder Load Set Content | SDC Verifier

- create a new Governing Load Tool from all selected zones in the list. Each zone will be represented as a separate selection. Only results of Load Groups can be exported to Governing Load.

Governing Loads

Governing Loads - finds the critical (governing) loads from a large group of load combinations.

To add the Governing Loads tool execute Home - Post-Processing - Governing Loads from the ribbon.


Select the type of result (Load or Check) using Result Settings

Set limits for peak values using Filter Criteria

Select Load Group using Load Selector.

Define Selections using Selection List Control and press Fill Table.

Table Type - define the structure of the table (short or detailed):

Show Only Welds - plot is shown only with the peak values and the welds elements from Weld Finder Tool;

It is possible to plot elements of all/selected governing loads in the list in colors and put labels of load description:

In addition, it is possible to include the following labels:

Note: if governing load row is selected in the list - all elements related to governing load will be selected for a plot.

Note: if selection row is selected in the list - all elements related to selection will be selected for a plot.


Press to export governing loads to a Load Group. It is possible to export selected or all governing loads in the list:


For all selected Governing Loads where the type of the Load is Load Set it is possible to preview the portion of the Individual Loads for the worst element in diagram or table:

- open expand table for selected Load Group and selected rows with selections in the table depending on Result Settings type (Load or Check);


Freebody - calculates a balanced set of forces/moments on a chosen part of a model. It is possible to retrieve internal/external loads to be used for substructure modeling or find contact/connector forces by manipulating with a custom selection of nodes/elements.

To add the Freebody tool execute Home - Post-Processing - Freebody from the ribbon.


Loads - selected necessary loads using Multiple Load Selector. Each load is calculated separately per each selection.

Csys - coordinate system used to rotate forces/moments;

Mode - calculate the origin at selected nodes (for each created selection separately) or take the origin of selected Csys (same for all selections);

Display type:

- display only rows where all forces/moments on each node satisfy set condition (e.g. skip small values).

Note: Condition is ignored for summation rows.

Selections - list of selection pairs (elements and nodes) to calculate freebody on. The result is calculated on each selection pair separately.


- add new selection pair:


Title - selection pair title. If not set - sa hort description of elemental selection will be used by default.

Pick elements using Selector Control

Nodal Method:

Show nodes - displays nodes on a model that will be used in calculations:


- edit selected selection pair;

- copy selected selection pairs;

- remove selected selection pairs;

- import selections from components/groups;

Press Fill Table to display results.