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Custom Standard

Standard is a set of checks and items to perform calculations according to formulas and rules.

To add Custom Standard execute Standards - Main - Custom from the ribbon.

Standard contains:

It is possible to convert a predefined (built-in) standard into Custom. Select standard and execute Convert to Custom from the Standard context menu:


Apply Values to Identical Standard - copy all the Input (Constants, Characteristics, Classifications, Standard Tables) of the standard from selected standard to another standard of the same type. Command is available only for predefined standards.

Note: command can be executed on individual item of the Input part of the standard or on a group of items (e.g. Characteristics).


Constants is a static value which can be used in checks with the help of Alias. It is useful to create constants and use them in formulas because in case of modifications (related to constants) it is required to make a change in one place only.

Constant dialog box:


Standard type is a list of titles that can be used in classification or characteristic instead of numbers. To add a new type press Add from the menu:

The following dialog window will be displayed:

- add a new item;

- paste titles/aliases from the clipboard. Spaces in alias will be removed automatically;

- edit the selected item;

- remove selected items;

Import from another standard - import already existing classification type from existing standards:

Select standard, standard type and press OK to create new standard type.

Copy to standard - export all types to the existing custom standards. If type already exists it will be skipped:



SDC Verifier allows adding extra properties called Characteristics to use them in Standard check formulas. There are four types of characteristics: Material, Property, Elemental and Load.

To add Characteristics use the Characteristics context menu:

All characteristic types can be created by additional subtypes that are taken from the Types list. Numeric type is a default type and allows to apply numeric values in characteristic.

Add Material/Property Characteristic:

Set Alias to use characteristic in check formulas.

To plot characteristic values for all materials/properties press .

Add Element characteristic:

- add Node/Element group and set the value:

- edit group elements and value;

- copy selected groups with values;

- remove selected groups;

- highlight selected group nodes/elements on the model;

- plot characteristic values of selected groups;

- colored plot with selection title label of selected groups;

- colored plot with value label of selected groups;

- move selected conditions up;

- move selected conditions down.

Note: Import is available for element type characteristic only with Numeric Type.

Press Import to import Beam Length/Effective Length Factor from Beam Member Finder, Plate Width/Length and Stiffener Length from Panel Finder or Welds from Weld Finder.

All previous data from characteristic can be removed:

Import dialog box:

If Beam Member data is selected then it is required to select the direction from the list:

Note: For weld finders, only the groups with 0 values will be created.


Classification is an extra element characteristic that can be set over directions.

To add classification select type in classification Add menu item:


Numeric classification - allows to set numeric values of the classification. It is flexible as it can be used in the creation of any kind of own calculations. It is available for all types of standards. Extra classifications are possible to be created using Types. Different standards have their own predefined classifications. For example, DIN 15018 Standard predefined classifications are Element group, Weld Type and Material Type.

Set classification Alias to use it in Custom check formulas.

- add classification condition;

- edit selected condition;

- copy selected conditions;

- remove selected conditions;

- move selected conditions up;

- move selected conditions down.

Note: The first condition cannot be modified, moved, copied or removed.

- highlight selected condition elements;

- select direction to plot classification values as criteria plot or as label plot;

Selection - part of the model for which plot will be displayed;

Label Plot

Criteria Plot

Note: Values are calculated condition by condition. If the same element is a part of different conditions - the last condition value is taken. If the element does not belong to any condition - the value from the fist condition is taken.

- select welds from Weld Finder and add a list of conditions with empty classification (one weld one condition).

- classification stores values in the memory. Clear values from the memory to refresh the classification. Results of checks where classification is used wil be cleared after pressing OK button.

Classification Condition

Classification condition is applied to the selected directions of the selected elements.

Define Selection to be used in the condition.

One condition - set the value to the selected directions;

Multiple conditions - select the value for each direction separately. The directions with the same values will be grouped in one condition. Other values will form different conditions.


Use All, None, X/Y/XY buttons to operate with selected directions.

Standard Tables

Standard Table is a two-dimensional matrix of static values.

To add Standard Table press Add in Standard Tables context menu:

The following window for parameters setting will be displayed:

Set table Alias to use it in Custom check formulas.

Set count of rows and columns and press Apply to build the table.

Paste full table – paste full table from the clipboard.

Paste cell values – paste values from clipboard to cells starting from top left selected cell.

Note: To cut the table set less value for a row or a column count.

It is possible to define a row and a column Headers based on the Types List

- display chart of the selected in the following window rows/columns of data to be used for X and Y axes of the chart:

Sort X Axis Values - reorder data selected in rows in ascending order;


Alias is a unique name for Standard items through which they can be accessed in Custom check formulas.

Note: Alias can contain only letters, digits and underscore symbol ("_"). Alias is unique inside the standard and must be different from the model and result variables such as (Area, Yield, S, Abs, etc.).

Note: Alias of the standard is unique between the standards and must be different from the model and result variables.


Common Commands

To edit parameter press . The dialog box will appear where it is possible to select the necessary parameter to edit.

To remove parameters press . The dialog box will appear where it is possible to select the necessary parameters to remove.

Press to edit multiple parameters (parameters/replacement, category and limits).

Standard set parameter type

Limits are used to highlight parameters if it exceeds the limit value.

Category defines how parameter will be represented in the table (Number Format) and what Legend Settings will be applied.

E.g. Utilization Factor by default has a general format with 2 digits after the dot:

Press to move parameters:

Check Move Parameters | SDC Verifier

Custom Check

Custom Check is used in SDC Verifier to perform any user-defined calculations. Custom Check consists of Parameters - formulas are made up of model variables, constants and mathematical operations, results and functions.

There are 4 predefined checks: Static Stress Check, Plate Average Stress, Plate Principal Stresses and Solid Principal Stresses.

Standard Predefined Checks | SDC Verifier

To add Custom Check execute Add - Custom Check in the checks context menu:

Standard Add Custom Check | SDC Verifier

Common commands are described in Common Chapter

Alias - variable name to access it from other checks.

Calculate Results over Directions - calculate for X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX, Equivalent, Overall directions, otherwise one direction is calculated.

Calculate Results over Points - calculate for all element's points of interest, otherwise, one point is calculated.

Note: Calculate Results over Directions and Calculate Results over Points should be defined before the first parameter is selected.

Define Selection (by default all entities) using Selector Control to select entities that will be calculated.

Note: Only part of a model can be selected to reduce the calculation time and quickly obtain results for critical places of the model.

Load calculation can be calculated on All Loads or on Load Groups only.

If All Loads option is used then Load Group is calculated as envelope (like in Job), formulas are calculated for Individual Loads, Load Sets but Load Group is min/max/abs among its items.

If Load Groups option is used then formulas are based on group results, e.g. min/max/abs can be used for stresses, strains, line element force and plane element force.

Note: If Custom Check (no load) is created - Load Calculation Type is disabled.

Add Parameter

To add Parameter to the Custom Check press .  For each parameter, the Title and Alias must be defined.

Replacement - means the outcome is intermediate and not stored. The purpose of the replacement is to be used in other parameters from the current check and don't consume memory.

Standard add parameter

It is possible to create separate formulas for each direction. One formula will be used for all directions if it is inputted into the All Directions text field.

If the formula of a parameter contains logic operations, then the result will be 1 if the condition is fulfilled, else 0 will be assigned to the parameter value.

Note: Formulas in SDC Verifier are case insensitive.

Entities in the Main Functions contains the most important functions containing sqrt(), max(),power(), average(), etc.

All available variables of formulas are collected in the Items

- Mathematical Operations;

- Material Variables (contains characteristics, namely Young modulus, Poisson ratio, mass density, shear modulus, yield limit and tensile strength);

- Property Variables (contains the characteristics of model properties such as an area for beam type element, thickness for plate element, cross-section dimensions, etc.);

- Results Variables (Stress, Strain etc.);

- Constants from Standard;

- Characteristics;

- Classifications;

- Standard Tables;

- Inner Constants (Property Shapes, Yes, No, etc.);

- Local Check (contains Parameters already defined in the current Check);

- Check Parameter. Results from other checks from all existing standards;.

- Other variables (beam member, shape, load safety factor).

Adding Items

To add a necessary item (all except Results Variables and Check Parameters) press the corresponding button on the Items dialog box. The dialog window appears:

To Add Check Parameter press . The dialog window will be shown:

Only standards with ID ≤ current standard ID will be displayed in the list.

Checks are filtered according to the selected check type (e.g. Plate Buckling check can use results only from other Plate Buckling check.) or Load Calculation type (e.g. Custom check cannot use results from Fatigue Summation check).

All Direction/Point of Interest is available if the current check is calculated over directions/points. Otherwise, respective direction/point of interest from the source check should be selected.

To Add Result press . The dialog window will appear:


All Direction/Point of Interest is available if the current check is calculated over directions/points. Otherwise, respective direction/point of interest from the selected result should be selected.

Parameters can be edited/copied/removed or converted to characteristic using the popup menu:


Convert to characteristic - create the characteristic of the selected type where the result of parameter will be taken from the characteristic (if characteristic value ≠ 12345678), or will be calculated using the current formula:

Parameter To Characteristic | SDC Verifier


If the formula contains items that do not exist for certain element types (e.g. shape height does not exist for shells) then the formula will be evaluated with such items replaced with zero.

Custom check (no load).

Custom check (no load) is a sub-type of Custom Check. Check supports variables that are not based on loads (young modulus, yield stress, property area, a moment of inertia, classification, characteristics, standard table, constants etc.).

Calculate Results over Directions - optional;

Calculate Results over Points - disabled;

Load Calculation - disabled;

Selection - optional;

Property check

Property check is a sub-type of Custom Check. Check supports variables of materials, properties, constants, standard tables. Results are calculated over properties.

Calculate Results over Directions - disabled;

Calculate Results over Points - disabled;

Load Calculation - disabled;

Selection - disabled;

Plate/Stiffener Buckling

The Plate/Stiffener Buckling is used to perform plate buckling calculations with user-defined formulas.

It is very similar to the Custom Check. The major difference is that it is calculated on the section and results presented for the Sections and Plates/Stiffeners. Parameters of plate/stiffener buckling are calculating only for one direction and can use additional variables in formulas: Element Stress (Minimum compression or average) converted into plate direction and Plate dimensions.

To create Plate Buckling check execute Add - Plate/Stiffener Buckling in the checks context menu:

Standard_custom check add | SDC Verifier

Plate Buckling:

Common commands are described in Common Chapter

By default, all sections are selected to be checked. Press to change Selection.

Standard select items

To add Parameter press . For each parameter, the Title and Alias must be defined.

Replacement - means the outcome is intermediate and not stored. The purpose of replacement is to be used in other parameters for the current check but the result is not important for the user.

Plate Buckling Add Parameter | SDC Verifier

Adding Items

Entities in the Main Functions contains the most important functions containing sqrt(), max(),power(), average(), etc.

All available variables of formulas are collected in the Items

- Mathematical Operations;

- Material Variables (contains characteristics, namely Young modulus, Poisson ratio, mass density, shear modulus, yield limit and tensile strength);

- Property Variables (contains the characteristics of the model properties, such as an area for beam type element, thickness for plate element, cross-section dimensions, etc.);

- Results from plates;


Results from stiffeners;


- Constants from Standard;

- Standard Tables;

- Characteristics;

- Inner Constants (Property Shapes, Yes, No, etc.);

- Local Check (contains Parameters already defined in the current Plate/Stiffener Buckling Check);

- Recognition data.





- Check Parameter. Results from other checks from all existing standards;

Weld Check

The Weld Check is used to perform weld strength calculations with user-defined formulas.

It is very similar to the Custom Check. The major difference is that it is calculated on the welds. Parameters of weld checks are calculating only for one point of interest and 4 directions (X, Y, XY, Equivalent) and can use additional variables in formulas: Weld Force Summation in weld coordinate system.

To create Weld Check execute Add - Weld Check in the checks context menu:

Standard_custom check add | SDC Verifier

Common commands are described in Common Chapter

By default, all welds are selected to be checked. Press to change Selection.

Select Welds | SDC Verifier

To add Parameter press . For each parameter, the Title and Alias must be defined.

Replacement - means the outcome is intermediate and not stored. The purpose of replacement is to be used in other parameters for the current check but the result is not important for the user.

Weld Check Add Parameter | SDC Verifier

Adding Items

Entities in the Main Functions contains the most important functions containing sqrt(), max(),power(), average(), etc.

All available variables of formulas are collected in the Items

- Mathematical Operations;

- Material Variables (contains characteristics, namely Young modulus, Poisson ratio, mass density, shear modulus, yield limit and tensile strength);

- Property Variables (contains the characteristics of the model properties, such as an area for beam type element, thickness for plate element, cross-section dimensions, etc.);

- Results from Weld Force Summation Tool;

Check Result Weld Summation | SDC Verifier

- Constants from Standard;

- Standard Tables;

- Characteristics;

- Inner Constants (Property Shapes, Yes, No, etc.);

- Local Check (contains Parameters already defined in the current Weld Check);

- Recognition data.

Check Result Weld Dimensions | SDC Verifier

- Check Parameter. Results from other checks from all existing standards;

Custom Connection Check

The Connection Check is used to perform calculations of the connections with user-defined formulas.

It is very similar to the Custom Check. The major difference is that it is calculated on the connections. Parameters of connection checks are calculating only for one point of interest and one direction (All) and can use additional variables in formulas: Braces Stress and Brace Classification.

To create Connection Check execute Add - Connection Check in the checks context menu:

Standard_custom check add | SDC Verifier

Common commands are described in Common Chapter

By default, all connections are selected to be checked. Press to change Selection.

Select Connections | SDC Verifier

To add Parameter press . For each parameter, the Title and Alias must be defined.

Replacement - means the outcome is intermediate and not stored. The purpose of replacement is to be used in other parameters for the current check but the result is not important for the user.

Connection Check Add Parameter | SDC Verifier

Adding Items

Entities in the Main Functions contains the most important functions containing sqrt(), max(),power(), average(), etc.

All available variables of formulas are collected in the Items

- Mathematical Operations;

- Material Variables (contains characteristics, namely Young modulus, Poisson ratio, mass density, shear modulus, yield limit and tensile strength);

- Property Variables (contains the characteristics of the model properties, such as an area for beam type element, thickness for plate element, cross-section dimensions, etc.);

- Results from Braces Stress and Brace Classification Tools;

Check Result Brace Tools | SDC Verifier

- Constants from Standard;

- Standard Tables;

- Characteristics;

- Inner Constants (Property Shapes, Yes, No, etc.);

- Local Check (contains Parameters already defined in the current Connection Check);

- Recognition data.

Check Result Connection Dimensions | SDC Verifier

- Check Parameter. Results from other checks from all existing standards;

Custom Rainflow Summation Check

The Rainflow Summation Check is used to perform calculations on each direction and point of interest of the element and is based on the Rainflow Counting Tool data with user-defined formulas.

To create Rainflow Summation Check execute Add - Rainflow Summation in the checks context menu:

Standard_custom check add | SDC Verifier

Common commands are described in Common Chapter

Category - category of result from which the Rainflow Counting data will be used;

Method - method from which the Rainflow Counting data will be used;

Selection - part of the model for which the check will be calculated;

Note: Calculations are performed only on Fatigue Groups that contain Load Groups. Therefore, results in tabes/plots can be presented only for these types of loads, depending on selected parameter.

There are 4 types of parameters:

Rainflow Check Parameters Menu | SDC Verifier

For each parameter, the Title and Alias must be defined.

Rainflow Parameter

Performs calculations using the ranges calculated by Rainflow Counting Tool. Result depends on the selected Category and Method in the check. Calculations are performed for each range separately and for each point of interest of the element. Parameter can use Rainflow Counting Variables.

Rainflow Check Add Rainflow Parameter | SDC Verifier

Note: Parameter is calculated only internally and result for it is not stored to result files. Therefore, it is not possible to select it in tables/plots to display the result.

Note: Formulas for Equivalent and Overall directions are not available to be set.

Rainflow Summation Parameter

Parameter is used to summarize result from each of the calculated range for selected Rainflow Parameter and represents result of a Load Group.

Rainflow Check Add Rainflow Summation Parameter | SDC Verifier

Reference Parameter - Rainflow Parameter from which the results of all calculated ranges will be summarized;

Note: Equivalent and Overall direction can use Functions and summarized results of the calculated directions of current parameter (me.x, me.y etc.).

Rainflow Load Group Parameter

Represents result of a Load Group using one or several Rainflow Summation parameters.

Rainflow Check Add Load Group Parameter | SDC Verifier

Rainflow Group Summation Parameter

Parameter is used to summarize result of all Load Groups for selected Rainflow Summation Parameter and represents result of a Fatigue Group.

Rainflow Check Add Rainflow Group Summation Parameter | SDC Verifier

Reference Parameter - Rainflow Summation Parameter for which the results will be calculated for each Load Group defined in Fatigue Group and will be summarized;

Use Cycles in Calculations - optionally use a proportion of the number of cycles defined in Fatigue Group of currently calculated Load Group to the summed number of cycles of all Load Groups in the Fatigue Group. In the formula the following multiplier will be added/removed: ItemNumberOfCycles / TotalNumberOfCycles which represents a portion of the result of the current Load Group comparing to other Load Groups;

Rainflow Check Cycles Ratio | SDC Verifier

Note: Equivalent and Overall direction can use Functions and summarized results of the calculated directions of current parameter (me.x, me.y etc.).

Rainflow Fatigue Group Parameter

Parameter represents result of a Fatigue Group using one or several Group Summation parameters.

Rainflow Check Add Rainflow Fatigue Group Parameter | SDC Verifier

Available Variables: