Download SDC for Simcenter 3D


Component is a set of elements or nodes. It allows to store the important selection and to reuse it later in plots, tables, reports, etc.

Execute Model - Components - Add from the tree to add a new Component. Enter the title and select the component entity type: nodes or elements.

Add Component window | SDC Verifier

Make a selection using Selector Control and press OK to create the component.

It is possible to create Component using other components (that were created before).

Add Component | SDC Verifier

In the Selector Control press and then click Components. The list with existing components will be displayed.

Add Component Condition | SDC Verifier

Search - contains 3 commands:

Import from other Components

Press Import from Components from condition menu to import conditions from components created before.

Add Component Condition | SDC Verifier

Import / Export to Groups

It is possible to import / export groups to components, execute Model - Components - Import from Groups or Model - Components - Export to Groups from the tree.

Colored Plot

Execute Model - Components - Colored Plot from the tree to plot selected components in colors and put labels using Labels Plotter Control.


Create multiple components based on rules:

Create colored plot | SDC Verifier

Line Elements by Planes - recognize line elements by planes (XY, YZ, ZX, Other or All planes) and create separate component for each recognized connected group. Works in similarity to Beam Section Finder tool.

From Materials/Properties - create separate component for each selected materials/properties;

Between Sections - recognize group of elements between each two selected neighbor sections of certain type (X, Y or Z) from the list and create separate components. Elements of the sections are included in selection.