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Eurocode3 Bolts (EN 1993-1-8, 2005)

Eurocode3 Bolts (EN 1993-1-8, 2005) - Bolt checks according to EN 1993-1-8:2005. Section 3 Connections made with bolts, rivets or pins is implemented.

To add Eurocode3 Bolts standard execute Standards - Main - Eurocode3 - Eurocode3 Bolts (EN 1993-1-8, 2005) from the ribbon:


Press to Set Standard Custom Settings

Standard uses material data (Yield/Tensile) in calculations. Wizard checks if the values are defined for all materials.

Position Of The Bolt In The Direction Of Load - end bolts or inner bolts;

Bolt Threat Pitch - the distance between threads in model units;

Shear Plane Position - defines whether shear is passed through the threaded or unthreaded portion of the bolt;

Countersunk Bolt - set if bolt is countersunk or not. Used in Table 3.4 to define coefficient k2;

Class Of Friction Surfaces - used in Table 3.7 to take slip factor for pre-loaded bolts;

Thickness Of Countersinking - for countersunk bolt, the bearing resistance F_bRd should be based on a thickness t equal to the thickness of the connected plate minus half the depth of the countersinking. In model units;

Connection In Tension - set if connection is in tension or not;

End Distance (Figure 3.1) - the end distance from the center of a fastener hole to the adjacent end of any part, measured in the direction of load transfer. Figure 3.1 in model units;

Edge Distance (Figure 3.1) - the edge distance from the center of a fastener hole to the adjacent edge of any part, measured at right angles to the direction of load transfer. Figure 3.1 in model units;

Structure Made From Steel Conforming To - used in Table 3.3: Minimum and maximum spacing, end and edge distances;

Position Of The Bolt Perpendicular To The Direction Of Load - edge bolts or inner bolts;

Bolt Class - class of bolt calculated by the standard. Table 3.1;

Hole Diameter - the hole diameter for a bolt, a rivet or a pin. In model units;

Hole Type - used for taking values of kS in Table 3.6;

Thickness Of The Connected Plates - thickness of the connected plates. In model units;

Number Of The Friction Planes - the number of the friction surfaces or the number of fastener holes on the shear face;

Net Area - net area;

Spacing P1 (Figure 3.1) - the spacing between centres of fasteners in a line in the direction of load transfer. Figure 3.1 in model units;

Spacing P2 (Figure 3.1) - the spacing measured perpendicular to the load transfer direction between adjacent lines of fasteners. Figure 3.1 in model units;

Gamma M0 - partial safety factor for members and cross-sections. Table 2.1.

Gamma M2 - partial safety factor for bolts. Table 2.1.

Gamma M3 - partial safety factor for slip resistance at ultimate limit state (Category C). Table 2.1.

Gamma M3 Ser - partial safety factor for slip resistance at serviceability limit state (Category B). Table 2.1.