SDC Verifier enables automatic F.E.M. 1.001 (3rd, 1998) Guidelines verification directly in Ansys Mechanical, Femap and Simcenter 3D. F.E.M. 1.001 (3rd, 1998) (Rules For The Design of Hoisting Appliances) performs the static stress check and fatigue check with fatigue summation for the steel structures of crane and crane equipment. Fatigue calculations are performed according to the Allowable Stress Design method (ASD).
Help Article on implementation of F.E.M 1.001 standard in SDC Verifier
Federation Europeenne de la Manutention. Section 1 Heavy Lifting Appliances. Rules For The Design of Hoisting Appliances
The stresses set up in the various structural members are determined for the three cases of loading defined under section 2.3., and a check is made to ensure that there is a sufficient safety coefficient Vv in respect of the critical stresses, considering the following three possible causes of failure :
- exceeding the elastic limit ;
- exceeding the critical crippling or buckling load;
- exceeding the limit of endurance to fatigue.
The quality of the steels used must be stated and the physical properties, chemical composition and welding qualities must be guaranteed by the manufacturer of the material.
The permissible stresses for the materials used are determined as stipulated in Clauses 3.2., 3.3., 3.4. and 3.6. hereunder, with reference to the critical stresses for the material.
Info about FEM
Since its founding in 1953, FEM has served as a representative for European producers of materials handling, lifting, and storage equipment. To better represent its members and their interests in front of the European institutions and partners, FEM is a non-profit trade association (AISBL under Belgian law).