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Eurocode 3 Weld Strength

Section 4 of the standard EN 1993-1-8:2005 Design of joints is implemented to verify the structure stability of each structural member (weld).

To add the standard execute Standards - Main - Eurocode3 - Eurocode3 Welds (EN 1993-1-8, 2005) from the ribbon:


Common options are described in the Weld Strength Settings chapter.

Press to Set Standard Custom Settings

Press to set a Correlation factor (Beta_w):

Beta_w factor is obtained from the Table 4.1, section and depends on the material type:


Gamma_M2 - material resistance factor for plated structures is a constant value (=1.25) and used in calculations to check a base material strength.

Standard uses material data (Yield/Tensile) in calculations. Wizard checks if the values are defined for all materials.

Checks are created automatically and divided into few parts:

Permissible stresses for welds are calculated as described in a standard (using the Tensile Strength) and compared to the Von Mises stress. These are formulas of Check 13.

Permissible stress for the material is calculated using the yield of the material (Check 14). But then the Von Mises stress is calculated assuming weld angle is 0° (even for fillets where angle = 45°) and resistance using weld throat = weld leg length (z). In this case the stresses are calculated not in the weld face, but in weld coordinate system.