- Recognition of joints and beam members is improved significantly. (slow opening of beam member finder form issue is resolved)
- Check calculation for the huge amount of load cases is improved.
- Support of Autodesk NEi Nastran Solver – an update reading results for bar/beam elements:

- Eurocode3:
- An option which method for Lateral Torsional Buckling to use:
- The C1 coefficient is calculated according to the Designers’ guide to Eurocode3: Design of steel buildings 2nd edition:
- An option which method for Lateral Torsional Buckling to use:
- Joint Check improvements:
- Recognition of 2D and 3D plate joints:
- New colored plot with legend out of labels:
- Arrows with beam element axes for joints:
- Recognition of 2D and 3D plate joints:
- Beam Member Finder:
- Set Effective Length Factor K = 0.01 for the members that are fixed by plates (in the recognition direction):
- Updated plot for the selected members, rest model is shown in gray color:
- Break members using Plate 2D and 3D joints:
- Unit System: Meter/Ton/Second, Millimeter/Ton/Second and Millimeter/Kg/Millisecond systems are added. The custom unit system can use grams, centimeters, and decimeters:
- Classification: adding multiple conditions (over directions) at once:
- Settings (Legend, Number format, Unit System) can be set as default and stored to file. When a new project is created default settings are loaded from the file:
- Set Effective Length Factor K = 0.01 for the members that are fixed by plates (in the recognition direction):
- Project Analyzer: a report generation is added
- Classification: adding multiple conditions (over directions) at once:
- Custom Checks: New predefined formulas ShapeT and ShapeL:
- Presentation Designer: new sorting options, add multiple plots/table.
- Load Group – a single form to create and edit multiple load groups:
- Plots: preview with current view, current view and selection (active view settings and visible elements are used for plot).