- Support of Ansys 2023 R1 and Femap 2301;
- New version of ISO 19902 (2nd, 2020) standard;
- Added the possibility to set Single Fillet weld type in Weld Finder Tool and define from which side the weld is located:

- Added new variables for weld type and weld side to be used in weld checks;
- Added option to Load Set if it is a linear summation of elemental stress results or Spectral:
- New design of main window:
- Added command to set Individual Load titles from the applied loads in steps in Mechanical (Ansys):
- Added command to create Solution Combination from Load Sets (Ansys):
- Panel Finder:
- Added option to Panel Finder settings to set the maximum curvature angle of stiffeners;
- Added possibility to change if stiffener is curved or not;
- Added filters and metadata (settings that the table was built with) to the majority of result tables:
- Added ‘Recognize All’ command to run the recognition process of all recognition tools;
- Added possibility to filter joints in Joint Finder tool by selection and type of the joint;
- Merged Force Summation Table (over loads) and Force Summation Table (over selections) into one table;
Bug Fixes:
- Eurocode3 Plate Buckling (EN 1993-1-5, 2006). Fixed formula of parameter ‘Alpha_cr’ in check ’1..Plate Buckling’;
- Eurocode3 Connections (EN 1993-1-8, 2005):
- Fixed formula of parameter ‘Is Punching Shear Check Required’ in check ‘3..Resistances (CHS)’;
- Fixed formula of parameter ‘UF Combined’ in check ‘7..Utilization Factors’;
- EN 13001 (2018). Fixed formula of parameter ‘Utilization Factor’ in check ‘1..Static Stress Check’;
- Mechanical crashed when plotting in Ansys 2022 R2;
- Plate offsets were not read from Ansys. Consequently, origin of weld parts in Weld Finder tool did not take into account the plate offsets;
- Cross-section thickness was not displayed when plotting results in Simcenter 3D;
- The Brace Stress tool did not take into account the display unit system when displaying results in the table;
- Performance has been improved when opening Ansys projects that contain many solutions and loads in the model;
- Performance has been improved when reading nodal results (e.g., displacements, reaction forces) from Ansys;